关于「 stabenow」的内容列表

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow's crypto bill vote has been delayed or resumed in September

U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow has been working on a crypto bill and a hearing was scheduled for Wednesday, but voting on the bill was delayed or resumed in September. Ms Stabenow said her bill would give the Commodity Futures Trading Commission authority over "digital commodities" and give the CFTC permanent funding to oversee the market.

2024-07-29 18:02:07
美参议员Debbie Stabenow的加密法案投票被推迟,或于9月恢复

美国参议院农业委员会主席Debbie Stabenow一直在制定一项加密法案,并计划于周三举行一次听证会,但该法案的投票被推迟,,或于 9 月恢复。 Stabenow表示,她的法案将赋予美国商品期货交易委员会对“数字商品”的权力,并为 CFTC 提供永久性资金来监督该市场。该法案将特...

2024-07-29 18:02:07
The US commodities regulator has urged urgent action against cryptocurrencies

Debbie Stabenow, chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said the latest legislative proposals to oversee cryptocurrency markets will be presented to the rest of the committee this week, and the committee's senior Republican said his meetings with crypto industry leaders suggest legislative work may not be ready. Meanwhile, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairperson Rostin Behnam urgently testified that Congress needs to act on digital assets.

2024-07-11 01:38:14

参议院农业委员会主席Debbie Stabenow表示,监督加密货币市场的最新立法提案将于本周提交给该委员会的其他成员,该委员会的资深共和党人表示,他与加密行业领导人的会晤表明立法工作可能尚未准备好。与此同时,商品期货交易委员会主席Rostin Behnam紧急作证称,国会需要对数字资产采取行动。

2024-07-11 01:38:14

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